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作者👳‍♂️:   來源:      發布日期🌳:2024年03月26日 21:10   瀏覽👨🏻‍💼:

田晶,女,漢族🐩,山西臨汾人,博士,碩士生導師🫄🏻,门徒平台,河北農業大學“校聘副教授”🤦🏼,“青年才俊”層次引進人才。主要從事植物氮素吸收代謝、植物非生物脅迫、古樹名木保護等方面的研究工作。主持河北農業大學引進人才科研專項1項🕕,參與國家自然科學基金面上項目、河北省省屬高校科研項目2項;發表學術期刊論文9余篇😮‍💨,以第一作者在Plant Science👭🏻、Frontiers in Plant Science等SCI期刊上發表學術論文3篇。






2017.08-2017.10 拉薩職業技術pazaizhang.com援藏教師,主講《森林營造技術》






1. 2022-2027👨‍👩‍👧‍👧,河北農業大學引進人才科研專項(YJ2023007),在研⛔️,主持

2. 2023-2024,河北省省屬高等學校基本科研業務費研究項目(KY2023035),在研🍤,參與


1.Tian, Jing, Pang, Y., Zhao, Z., 2021. Drought, salinity and low nitrogen differentially affect the growth and nitrogen metabolism of Sophora japonica (L.) in a semi-hydroponic phenotyping platform. Frontiers in Plant Science 2195. (IF: 5.735)

2.Tian, Jing, Pang, Y., Zhao, Z. 2022. Growth and nitrogen metabolism in Sophora japonica (L.) as affected by salinity under different nitrogen forms. Plant Science. (IF: 2. 633)

3.Tian, Jing, Pang, Y., Zhao, Z., 2021. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Sophora japonica (L.) Roots Reveals Key Pathways and Genes in Response to PEG-Induced Drought Stress under Different Nitrogen Conditions. Forests 12, 650. (IF: 2.633)

4.Pang, Y.,Tian, Jing,et al., 2021. Response of multi-ecological component stoichiometry and tree nutrient resorption to medium-term whole-tree harvesting in secondary forests in the Qinling Mountains, China. Forest Ecology and Management.(IF:4.384)

5.Pang, Y.,Tian, Jing,et al., Contrasting dynamics and factor controls in leaf compared with different-diameter fine root litter decomposition following whole-tree harvesting in secondary forests in the Qinling Mountains, China. Science of the Total Environment.(IF: 10.574)

6.Pang, Y.,Tian, Jing,et al., 2022. Responses of Fine Roots at Different Soil Depths to Different Thinning Intensities in a Secondary Forest in the Qinling Mountains, China. Biology.(IF:5.168)

7.Pang, Y.,Tian, Jing,et al., 2021. Coupling of different plant functional group, soil, and litter nutrients in a natural secondary mixed forest in the Qinling Mountains, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.(IF:5.190)

8.Pang, Y.,Tian, Jing,et al., 2020. The linkages of plant, litter and soil C: N: P stoichiometry and nutrient stock in different secondary mixed forest types in the Qinling Mountains, China. PeerJ.(IF:3.061)

9.Gao, Y.,Tian, Jing, Pang, Y., Liu, J., 2017. Soil inorganic carbon sequestration following afforestation is probably induced by pedogenic carbonate formation in Northwest China. Frontiers in Plant science 8, 1282.(IF: 5.753)


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